The University of Southampton

Staff invited to Operational Excellence lunchtime workshops

There are still a small number of places left at the second regular Exploring Operational Excellence lunchtime workshop 13:00 Thursday 5 February in Building 27 / Room 3057, Highfield Campus.

The workshops are an opportunity to very quickly learn one or two process improvement techniques that can then be applied immediately around the University. They are also a chance to find out more about the Operational Excellence team if you are considering a bigger piece of process improvement work.

The team will be covering a different set of tools and topics at each workshop, so staff and students are more than welcome to attend several or all of the sessions. The full list can be found here. The next workshop will be on 26 February.

Staff who attended the first workshop commented:

“Great introduction to the topic; gave a sense that there is a lot more that people can explore if a particular methodology resonated with them and their area of work.”

“I thought It was really interesting, I enjoyed the information about the different modules and theories and am looking forward to attending some more interactive sessions”

Refreshments are provided and you can bring your own lunch. Please email if you would like to attend.

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