The University of Southampton

Southampton welcomes Deputy High Commissioner of India

The Deputy High Commissioner of India visited the University last month to help expand and strengthen our collaborations with Indian institutions.

Deputy High Commissioner of India
Vice-Chancellor, Don Nutbeam, welcomes Dr. Paul to the University

During Dr Paul’s visit, Don welcomed him and gave an institutional overview, while Mark Spearing, Provost, gave a presentation with an overview of our links to India and the strategy around them. University academics attended the presentation and replied to the questions from Dr Paul about sustainability of the projects in the long term as well as challenges encountered. Differences in UK/Indian HE systems have also been discussed with a particular focus on University-Industry collaborations.

Dr Paul met also with some of our Indian students, where they had an opportunity to ask about changes in Visa regulations and changes in student numbers. This was an excellent chance for students to participate and explain their experience of Higher Education in the UK.

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