The University of Southampton

Swap Shop returns to Southampton this Thursday

Staff and students are invited to The Cube, Students’ Union Building (42), Highfield Campus on Thursday 19 March, to bring in your old unwanted clothes and swap them for some entirely new free items that can brighten up your wardrobe at little cost to you and the environment. Bring clothes, shoes, accessories, and fancy dress.

How does it work?

swap shop08.30- 11.00:  Drop off your (clean and in an acceptable condition) donations. You’ll be given a token for each donated item (up to a maximum of 10).

12.00-12.30: Swapping! Exchange your tokens for new items.

12.30-14.00: Swapping continues, but you can also buy items (£1.00 for clothes/shoes; 50p for accessories) if you don’t have anything to donate.

Any money raised will be donated to RAG and leftover items after the event will be donated to the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

Fancy helping out on the day?

Volunteer to help and you’ll get first dibs on the clothes and graduate passport points. Sign up here.

This event is brought to you by the SUSU Ethical & Environmental Committee, the Sustainability Action Programme, Southampton Hub, and the University Parents and Carers Network.

If you have any questions you can email Julia Kendal, the University’s Sustainability Action Officer at [email protected]

Other information

You’ll also be able to find out about more about other ways to reduce waste, including from Utensale, a social enterprise  that aims to tackle kitchenware wastage amongst students.  Put simply, we will collect unwanted household items from outgoing final year and international students and then resell to incoming students at student-friendly prices. We are looking to raise awareness of our initiative and recruit volunteers to help us achieve our aims and objectives.

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