The University of Southampton

Visit our newly launched website today

Today’s website launch marks the first major outcome from the University’s strategic Web Development project, which is developing and transforming the University website


Sophie Dear, Head of Digital, leads the project. She says:
“We’re delighted to deliver the final outcome for the first phase (work package 1). This reflects 12 months of work, in discussion with stakeholders across the University. The outcome is a targeted and more concise website that provides each visitor with a clear user journey through the site, allowing them to complete tasks efficiently.
“We will continue to work with colleagues to further develop content and measure the performance of the new site to evaluate what is and isn’t working for each visitor group.”
Activity on the other project work packages is also advancing, including a new website design which will go live later this year.
What has changed?
The Project Team have:
  • Migrated the main web pages from our legacy Content Management System, TeamSite, to the newer version, SitePublisher. This excludes all Faculty and research websites.
  • Restructured and rewritten all of the content within the website
The work to restructure/rewrite the website was guided by data from a number of sources. These included task based activities with University staff in focus groups, analytics from current site visitors, our institutional research, such as the Decliners survey and user testing from target audiences, e.g. local colleges.

Amends to content

We have implemented a new quality assurance process when building the website to ensure content is accurate and managed going forward but if you see something that needs to be amended or updated, please email us at: [email protected]

Be part of the Web Development project

If you would like further information about the Web Development project, either by subscribing to our monthly email update or joining a work package group, please email Sophie Dear [email protected]

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