The University of Southampton

Attend a briefing on the changes to the USS pension

The University is running two staff briefings to explain the proposed changes to the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), a national pension scheme many of our employees are members of.

The sessions will be held on:

Thursday, 30 April. 10.00. Senate Room, Building 37


Monday, 18 May. 14.00. Lecture Theatre 2, South Academic Block, Southampton General Hospital

You do not have to register for the event, so just turn up if you are interested in attending.

Michael Harrison from independent pension specialists, Mercer, will run the sessions. He will talk staff through the changes and hold a 15-minute Q&A at the end of the event.  Representatives from HR and Finance will be present as well as Denis Nicole from the UCU.

A 60-day consultation period (16 March – 22 May) is currently underway into the proposed changes to the pension scheme.

During the consultation, staff can post comments on the USS consultation website. The  outcome of the consultation will be reviewed by USS and by the EPF USS Group in June.  EPF USS is a discussion group specifically focused on the USS scheme.

A final decision on the implementation of scheme changes is due to be taken by the USS Joint Negotiating Committee on 9 July 2015.

USS has provided further information here, to help staff understand the impact of proposed changes to the pension scheme during the current consultation period.



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