The University of Southampton

Staff invited to talk on recent successful Higher Education Review

Staff are invited to a talk this Thursday 14 May at 13:00 in 67/1003, Highfield Campus.

VictoriaVictoria Korzeniowska, Assistant Director (Quality and Standards) in Student Academic Administration will be speaking to the Association of University Administrators (AUA) branch about the recent successful Higher Education Review visit by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.

The event will begin with an overview of the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and its role in Higher Education, then describing how the University prepared for and engaged with the review process, followed by an analysis of the recommendations and good practice identified and what this means in the immediate and medium term for the University, and ending with an outline of the current national consultation concerning future quality arrangements for higher education.

You can view more details about the event and register your place on our Eventbrite page.

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