Based on the Coen Brothers’ joyful, wise-cracking romantic comedy which helped establish them among the most entertaining and distinctive film-makers of our time and directed by Simon Dormandy and Toby Sedgwick (War Horse, 39 Steps), this timely take on corporate greed is a highly theatrical, inventively staged treat.
This is the first time a Coen Brothers’ film has ever been adapted for the stage. The Hudsucker Proxy will premiere at Nuffield before transferring to the co-producers in Liverpool.
Presented with kind permission of Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures. This is a Nuffield and Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse co-production and in association with Complicite.
£2.00 off per ticket for University of Southampton staff
Contact the Box Office 023 8067 1771 or
You can find more information about the play here.