The University of Southampton

Distinguished guest lecture by Sir David Dalton | Wednesday 20 May

Staff and students are invited to a distinguished guest lecture by Sir David Dalton entitled, “Improving the NHS with new leadership, care and organisational models” to be held from 11:00 – 13:00 on Wednesday 20 May in the Main Lecture Theatre (Room 1027), Building 67, Highfield Campus.

sir david dalton

Sir David is Chief Executive of Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.  Under his leadership, the Trust established an ambition to be the safest organisation in the NHS, and to that end has adopted a disciplined approach of applied ‘improvement science’ coupled with deep staff involvement.

During 2013 he was a member of the ‘Berwick Review Group’, which advised the Prime Minister on patient safety improvements for England. He co-chaired the Royal College of Surgeons review of the ‘duty of candour’ in 2014, which advised the Secretary of State on supporting openness in reporting harmful events in the NHS. Sir David was knighted in the 2014 New Year’s Honours for his services to Healthcare.

The event will be opened by Professor Mark Spearing, Provost.

If you would like to attend, please book your place through our Eventbrite page.

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