The University of Southampton

Staff and students invited to credibility of empirical research conference

The University in collaboration with colleagues from Nottingham University and with support from the Royal Economic Society, is hosting an international and interdisciplinary conference on the ‘Credibility of Research’ with an emphasis on the perspective of social and behavioural sciences.

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There are recent claims that science has entered a crisis of trust: many empirical results, usually expressed in terms of statistical significance, appear to be surprisingly hard to replicate, thus eroding the public trust in scientific results and, possibly, also in scientific methodology more generally. The Conference will offer opportunities to discuss the state of affairs as well as possible solutions. It aims to consider:

  • Has science entered a crisis of confidence?
  • How can we ensure the reliability of scientific findings?
  • What can Economics (and Behavioural Science) contribute to a resolution?

The scientific program will consist of two keynote lectures, a number of invited talks organised in plenary sessions and a roundtable with a policy focus.

The conference takes place on Friday 3 July and Saturday 4 July in Building 37, the Senate room (4049).

We welcome staff and students to register as both presenters and non-presenters. To register your place please visit our conference booking page. Our University events page also contains a full run down of the programme of events across both days.

Please note: the last date for registering for the event is 15 June 2015.

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