A career management day is being run for all postgraduates researchers on Thursday 9 July 2015, 9.30-16:00, in Murray Building, on Highfield Campus.
The day will try and answer the following questions:
- How to plan your career?
- How to secure an academic career, e.g. a Postdoc Fellowship?
- What are employers looking for?
By addressing these questions, through a varied menu of presentations, interactive small groups, and discipline-themed panel sessions (featuring some of our PhD alumni), this programme will help postgraduate researchers to develop their career management skills, reflect on their career aspirations and build/review their career plan.
The sessions will be useful to researchers, whatever their discipline and no matter what stage of candidature they are at.
Full details are here: http://southampton.likn.co/takecontrolofcareer including a Gradbook booking link.
For any enquiries, please email Jo James on [email protected]