Last week we told you that the campaign for the Centre for Cancer Immunology would like to celebrate its official public launch with you on Tuesday 23 June, by encouraging as many bake sales as possible across the University.
We have been delighted with the response so far and are very grateful to those of you who have already volunteered to host a bake sale. If you are organising one, please contact Kat Carter at the Office of Development and Alumni Relations. We would like to help you publicise the bake sales, as well as provide you with further information about the campaign to hand out to anyone interested in finding out more. A list of bake sales happening around the University will be publicised on SUSSED on 23 June, so you know where your nearest one is, and we want to make sure each bake sale is on the list.
There is still time to volunteer to host a bake sale. If you are interested, please contact Kat Carter.
We are looking forward to a successful launch and hope you enjoy some cake on the day.
For further information about the campaign, please visit the website.