The University of Southampton

Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account – Funding call open


The latest funding call is now open after the University was awarded £750,000 in July 2014, from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)  to support knowledge exchange activities with non-academic partners over 45 months ending March 2018.

The ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) is intended to create impact beyond the academic world by exploiting all social sciences research to shift perceptions and understanding of important issues of the day, and to influence policy and practice.

The Council is the UK’s largest research and training body addressing economic and social concerns and it’s awarded the funds with the eligibility criterion ‘creating impact beyond the academic world by exploiting social science research/shift perceptions/influence policy.’

The type of activities that can be funded include placements; policy or evidence seminars; activity to translate research evidence for use by policy makers and practitioners; co-produced research activity which aims to shape research agendas in order to address current policy and practice issues with quality research; building sustainable relationships with non-academic partners; training to increase knowledge and experience of Knowledge Exchange (KE) and impact (to be targeted at different career stages as appropriate); and support for KE social science resource and infrastructure.

In this call we are particularly keen to encourage secondments.

This call closes 13:00 Monday 19 October 2015.

Significant social impact or relationship development must be demonstrated.  Collaborative partners and impact do not need to be UK-based. Awards will be up to £10,000. Awards for secondments will be considered on a case by case basis, subject to an overall secondment budget of further £50k per annum.

For any queries please contact Daniela Doncakova ([email protected])


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