The University of Southampton

Institute for Life Sciences Conference: Life In A High Carbon World

Staff and students are invited to attend the next Institute for Life Sciences Conference on Tuesday 15 September between 9:00 and 18:00 at Charnock Lecture Theatrethe National Oceanography Centre Southampton.

High Carbon World

The conference will bring together a range of keynote speakers from the Alfred-Wegener-Institute, the University of Exeter, University College London and our University. Scientists will address the challenges of the future in a high carbon world as CO2 levels rise.

Life In High A Carbon World will focus on three main areas throughout the conference: carbon, climate change and cycles, the effect of carbon on organisms and ecosystems, and human societies and mitigation of high carbon effects.

Attendees have the opportunity to submit an academic poster to be displayed at the conference’s poster session. Submission abstracts need to be submitted to [email protected] by Friday 14 August.

Registration for ‘Life In High A Carbon World’ is open now.

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