UK investment in pneumonia research is lacking when compared to spending on influenza and tuberculosis, according to a new study by the University and University College London (UCL).

By calculating the amount spent on researching respiratory infections and their mortality rates, the study authors were able to assess UK public and charitable sector investment against the global burden of the diseases. Published in EBioMedicine the study found that while £484.21 per death was invested in influenza research, less than a tenth of that figure (£43.08) was spent on pneumonia research. That’s despite investment in pneumonia research rising substantially since 2010, when the figure was just £7.39. Co-author, Dr Stuart Clarke, from the Faculty of Medicine says:
“Investment relative to mortality for pneumonia has increased in recent years, but it remains low compared to other respiratory infections like tuberculosis and influenza. Pneumonia mainly affects people in low to middle income countries and figures also suggest it was a significant secondary complication in a number of influenza deaths.”
Read the full press release here.