The University of Southampton

Clearing and Adjustment: information for staff about the student hotline

The list of courses available to prospective students in this year’s Clearing and Adjustment period is now online.  There are limited places remaining for talented and well qualified candidates across a number of subject areas.

student callers

For course vacancies for UK/EU students.

For course vacancies for international students.

Should a prospective student call you regarding Clearing or Adjustment, please direct them to the website where they can find out about relevant opportunities or complete an online form to apply for a specific course.

Alternatively, they can call our Clearing and Adjustment hotline on 023 8059 8989. Both the online form and the telephone lines are open from 08:00, Thursday 13 August which is the day A level and some other qualifications are released.

Given the volume of calls the hotline we will receive over this period, please could staff give out the number, rather than attempting to transfer the call internally.

Please also explain that the hotline can be very busy especially on 13 August.

For queries about accommodation

Should a prospective student enquire about accommodation, please direct them to the accommodation website. Alternatively they can call our accommodation hotline on 02380 595959 from 13:00, Thursday 13 August.

For general queries 

The high number of incoming calls to the hotline is likely to overload the internal telephony network.

This may result in many calls from the general public to other extensions getting a ‘busy’ tone, even if the person they are calling is not using their phone.

In order to minimise incoming line usage, Isolutions advise all staff to take callers’ contact details and offer to call them back.

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