Academics in Electronics and Computing Science, and Southampton Education School have been praised by government minister Nick Gibb for their contribution to the success of the UK’s Network of Teaching Excellence in Computer Science.
Professor Les Carr and Robert Blair from the Web Science Centre for Doctoral Training and Dr Janice Griffiths, Director of the University’s Mathematics and Science Learning Centre, were specifically highlighted by Nick Gibb, Minister of State for Schools, for their participation in the Network.
Mr Gibb expressed his sincere thanks and praised Southampton, alongside the other universities participating in the Network which, he said,
“have exceptional computer science school outreach initiatives in place and provide outstanding support to teachers in their region”.
The Network, run by the Computing at School group (CAS), has so far helped over 40,000 teachers gain in expertise and confidence.
Professor Carr has worked with CAS for several years. He praised the efforts of his colleagues from Southampton Education School, particularly Dr John Woollard who helped create the new Computing curriculum and is a leading light in the Computing at School group which runs the Network.
“Our work is another success story for Southampton’s excellent interdisciplinary reputation. I am very proud to be part of an influential and multidisciplinary team, displaying the university’s excellence in Computing, Communications and Education and achieving significant impact in training up new UK capability for the Digital Economy.”
You can read the full press release here.