The University of Southampton

Distinguished Lecture with Deutsche Bank’s Chief Data Officer

The Web Science Institute is delighted to announce a Distinguished Lecture entitled ‘Mother’s Home Cooking’ by JP Rangaswami, Chief Data Officer of Deutsche Bank on Monday 12 October, 18:15-19:15 in B32, Lecture Theatre 1015.

JP RangaswamiDeutscheBank

JP has just been awarded the title of Adjunct Professor at the University by the Vice Chancellor.   Adjunct Professor is a new honorary title conferred to business and industrial leaders who contribute towards the University’s enterprise activities.

JP Rangaswami is Deutsche Bank’s Chief Data Officer, responsible for enhancing the Bank’s data quality and controls. Originally an economist and financial journalist, JP has over 30 years experience in information technology, primarily in the financial sector.

Prior to joining Deutsche Bank, JP was Chief Scientist at He was previously at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein and was named CIO Innovator of the Year by the European Technology Forum in 2004 and CIO of the Year by Waters magazine in 2003.

He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Trustee of the Web Science Trust and a Trustee of the Computer History Museum. He is also a venture partner for Anthemis Group and an advisory board member of Byte Night, a charity for young homeless people.

If you wish to attend please register via our Eventbrite site.

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