Are you passionate about the quality of education and representing fellow students’ views and opinions? Nominations for the remaining Subject Academic Representative positions close on Thursday 15 October at 12pm.
If you think that you might be suitable for the role of either Course Rep or Academic President, then head over to the SUSU website.
Course Reps act as the bridge between staff and students, ensuring that your voice as a student is heard, standing up for your views, and making sure that you get the very most out of your degree.
To find out more about the role, visit the profile breakdown on the SUSU Elections website.
There are also a few remaining vacancies for various other roles: Faculty Officer for Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences, Postgraduate Taught Officer and subject specific Academic Presidents.
Full training and support will be provided for all of these positions, and will be held at the end of October. To apply, you simply need to write a brief, 30-second rundown of why you think you would be suitable for the role.
Candidates will be announced on 16 October, and voting will open on Monday 19 October at 12pm. Voting closes on Wednesday 21 October at 16:00. It’s a quick and simple process, which takes just a few seconds and can be done online.
If you have any further questions please contact Shruti Verma, VP Education.