The next Researchers’ Café will take place on Monday 19 October 16.00-18.00 in conjunction with the International Staff Café.
The International Staff Café is a regular informal meeting with free tea/coffee and cake for international staff who want to meet and network with like-minded colleagues.
This joint event aimed at staff and postgraduate researchers will be held in the Nuffield Kitchen on Highfield Campus and will also be with with tea/coffee and cake.
It’s free to attend and there is no need to register, although people can join the Facebook event.
There will be plenty of time to meet other staff and researchers. The issues up for discussion this time are as follows:
– Will fuel cells ever replace the internal combustion engine? with David Inwood (Chemistry)
– Re-establishing the yin & yang of the immune system in the fight against cancer, with Dr Silvia Lanati (Medicine)
– The Credibility of Science, with Dr Thomas Gall (Economics)
For further information visit the University website, join the Facebook group and follow @ResearchersCafe on Twitter.