The University of Southampton

Programme of wellbeing events starts today

A programme of wellbeing events starts today and continues throughout November in support of the health of staff and students.

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Supporting the wellbeing of our staff and students is vital to them and the progress of the University.  If you are a manager, please support staff who would like to attend wellbeing sessions.

Over the year 2014/15, a total of 5,195 working days were lost to the University through stress, depression, anxiety and related conditions.

This is 19% of all reported sickness absences last year. The cost – financially and otherwise – both to individuals and to the University is considerable.

We can reduce both the incidence and impact of mental ill health, and improve the general wellbeing of all our people.  One way of doing this is to ensure that both managers and staff have access to resources to help them recognise, understand and respond constructively to conditions such as anxiety and depression.

This year we are expanding from a one-day event to cover a whole range of activities across our different campuses throughout November.

The Vice-Chancellor will be launching Wellbeing 2015 on Monday 16 November with keynote speakers from Triangulate, from Mindful Employer and Time to Change.

You can find out more about the events and register on the Wellbeing 2015 website.

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