The University of Southampton

Discover the field of High Energy Physics: Physoc Nobel Lectures

Join us at 18:00 on Wednesday 9 December, Lecture Theatre A, Building 46 as Professor Steve King and Dr Pasquale Di Bari, experts in the field of High Energy Physics, explain the Physics behind this year’s Nobel Prize.

Physoc lecture (cropped)

Every year, Physoc puts on a talk with some of the leading academics in their field explaining the Physics behind the Nobel Prize and the implications this has for the science.

This year they’ll be looking at the discovery that neutrinos can change flavour, which shakes up the Standard Model and shines the first ray of light onto an area of Physics we know next to nothing about.

Neutrinos are the second most common particle in the known Universe – bombing around at incredible speeds and not interacting with many of the things they come into contact with. There are thousands of billions of them zooming through you every second, yet the only thing we seem to know for certain is that they aren’t harmful.

For more information please visit the Facebook event.

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