The University of Southampton

Southampton to run ‘University Challenged’ competition

An internal version of the popular TV quiz show University Challenge is to run within the University early in 2016, with teams made of staff and students together.

2015 University Challenge team (cropped)

The competition is open to all members of the university, across all faculties and professional services. Each team must be composed of two undergraduates, one postgraduate and one staff member to reflect the university population and bring staff and students together. Mixed gender teams are encouraged.

If you don’t have a team, but still want to take part, individuals can also sign up, including members of professional services, and the organisers will do their best to create composite teams.

Sign up here.

Team members from this year’s University Challenge team are writing the questions, including Tricia Goggin (team captain), Sarah Stock and Rowland Sadler, all pictured. The competition will take place on Tuesday evenings between 18:30 – 20:00 from 2 February, culminating with the Final on Tuesday 15 March. Prizes will be awarded.

Organiser Dr Tony Curran of the Public Engagement team says:

“Our competition will have a similar format to the TV show but questions will not be so highbrow! Our aim is for everyone involved to have fun – those taking part and those who come to watch.”

For further information and updates visit the University Challenged webpage.

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