The University of Southampton

Trainee teachers learn about promoting healthy lifestyles

National health education experts addressed University trainee teachers at a special health day on 11 December 2015.

Teacher Education Health Day 2015 (cropped)

The day highlighted the importance of health and wellbeing to good educational outcomes and the key role teachers can play in promoting pupils’ healthy lifestyles with speakers from Southampton City Council, Public Health England and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Association. The day also included interactive workshops facilitated by national and regional experts in health and an exhibition of relevant materials.

The health day is part of the training in health and wellbeing that all teacher trainees receive at the University and has been embedded in the programme since 2010.

Dr Jenny Byrne, Southampton Education School, said:

“Our research has shown that training results in great improvements in trainee teachers’ confidence and competence in dealing with certain aspects of health education. All of our teacher training courses have elements of health education and this includes a ‘Health Day’ that is supported and facilitated by a multi-disciplinary team of health professionals.”

A student from the class also commented:

“It has opened my eyes to the importance of PSHE for children in school. I will use the skills I have learnt in tutor time and in other areas of the school.”

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