We are delighted to announce that the campaign for the Centre for Cancer Immunology is now 75 per cent of the way to hitting its £25m target, thanks to an impressive £4.5m grant from the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

This is a massive boost to the campaign and takes the total amount raised to date to an amazing £18.5m. The grant, allocated through the Solent Local Growth Deal, is the largest contribution made to a University backed project by the Solent LEP to date and recognises the impact the new Centre will have, not only on the local community but on a national scale.
The Centre will be the first of its kind in the UK and will help advance research into an innovative and effective treatment for cancer. The successful bid is the result of months of hard work, with teams working in partnership across the departments of the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, Research and Innovation Services, and the Faculty of Medicine.
We have so much to be proud of and every donation in aid of the new Centre, large or small, makes a huge difference to the lives of our patients and their families – just like it did for three year old clinical trials patient Phelan and his dad, George, featured in our video below.
Today, on World Cancer Day, please join us by texting ‘YOUREIT’ to 70660 to donate £3 to our campaign. £3 is as little as a cup of coffee or your bus ride to work but it will mean so much to the life-saving research the new Centre will bring. Click on the video below to hear why your donation is so important. Together we can reach our £25m goal sooner. Thank you.