The University of Southampton

Flying the Rainbow Flag for LGBT History Month

From today, the University will be flying the Rainbow Flag until 27 February to mark LGBT History Month, demonstrating our commitment to LGBT members of our community.

LGBT history month flag
(from left) Professor Sir Christopher Snowden (Vice-Chancellor, Equality and Diversity Champion), Andy Cast (Chair of the LGBT Staff Network), Professor Nyovani Madise (Equality and Diversity Lead) and Jonathon St Clair-Smith (LGBT+ Society Publicity Officer).

The Vice-Chancellor, Sir Christopher Snowden, alongside many student and staff champions of equality and diversity, was present for the raising of the flag outside Hartley Library on Highfield Campus.

The University is hosting several events for LGBT History month:

  • Tonight, we welcome Professor Elise Chenier for the Stonewall Lecture (18:00 at Avenue Campus), speaking on ‘Lesbian Life Stories: Stuck in the Past? On the Archives of Lesbian Oral Testimonies (ALOT)’.
  • Throughout today, the LGBT+ Student’s Society are collecting people’s handprints to make a rainbow on the Students’ Union concourse.
  • The LGBT Staff Network are hosting a free private screening of Credence, presented by the director Mike Buonaiuto on Friday 26 February at 17:00.
  • Finally, the LGBT Staff Network and the SUSU LGBT+ Society will come together at Hampshire Pride on Saturday 27 February in Winchester.

More information can be found in our recent Equality and Diversity edition of Southampton Connects Staff.

The LGBT Staff Network is one of the ways in which the University’s commits to inclusivity and collegiality. This is a member-led employee network, and provides a space for LGBT staff and postgraduate students to talk about being bi, gay, lesbian or trans and working at the University. Contact the network via [email protected], or visit their webpage.

The Student’s Union has an LGBT+ Society who run a weekly lunch drop in session for students to support each other and organise social events throughout the year.

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