The University of Southampton

Essential exam information

The second semester exams start on Monday 16 May 2016 and will last until Saturday 4 June 2016.

exam hall

Individual exam timetables can now be viewed via your SUSSED account. They will show you the definitive time/date, location and seat number for your exams. You should ensure that you know where the exam room is in advance, to prevent last minute panic. Have a look at the Examination room plans and the campus map.

Read through the instructions for exam candidates to ensure that you know what to do and what to expect. If you require a dictionary during an exam, read the policy regarding dictionary use.

All students are required to take photographic ID with them to their exams, your student ID card preferably but if not some other form of photographic ID such as driving license or passport will be sufficient.  Failure to produce your ID may result in you being unable to take your examination.

If you are prevented from attending any examination by some urgent cause other than illness, you must inform your student office as soon as is practicable.

If you have any questions or queries on your exams please refer to our website in the first instance.

What to do if you are feeling ill?

You should not start or continue your exam if you are feeling ill.

If you are feeling ill before your exam, you should notify your student office as soon as possible. They may be able to arrange for you to re-take your exam when you are feeling better, or during the supplementary exam period.

If you feel ill during your exam, you should attract the attention of an invigilator by raising your hand and explain that you are feeling unwell. You can find more information here.

Where to Study?

If you find the libraries full in the lead-up to your exams, there are plenty of alternative spaces where you can study in peace. Here is a complete list.

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