The University of Southampton

New Vice-Presidents appointed

On 11 November of last year the University Senate gave its full support to a proposal to introduce three new Vice-President roles to the University leadership team. The Vice-Presidents will be appointed on permanent, full-time contracts and will each hold a key, strategic portfolio reporting directly to the President and Vice-Chancellor.

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Odgers Berndtson were immediately appointed to undertake an international search for two of the three Vice-Presidents (VP) with the Education and Research & Enterprise portfolios, with the search for the new VP International starting a few weeks later.

Both of the roles generated significant interest in the market and resulted in a very strong short list of candidates who were interviewed informally by a small number of Deans of Faculties and relevant Directors of Professional Services, before meeting the formal interview panels chaired by Professor Sir Christopher Snowden and including external members from our Russell Group peers.

Following this rigorous process the University Council approved, on 11 May 2016, the appointment of:

  • Professor Alex Neill to the position of Vice-President Education and
  • Professor Mark Spearing to the position of Vice-President Research & Enterprise.

Professor Sir Christopher Snowden said:

“My objective is to have a high performing and focused leadership team that will enable us to realise our strategic ambitions. I’m therefore delighted that Alex and Mark have proven they were the best candidates in a strong field and continue in the Southampton tradition of nurturing and developing outstanding leaders in higher education.”

Professor Alex Neill commented:

“This is an exciting time for Southampton.  We have committed to an ambitious strategy, and I believe that together we can deliver it.  I’m delighted that I will be working with Sir Christopher and with colleagues across the executive, the faculties and our professional services to achieve our ambitions for the University.”

Professor Mark Spearing said:

“I am very honoured to have been appointed to this exciting and challenging role.  Strength in research and enterprise is fundamental to the success of a research intensive University such as Southampton.  I look forward to working with colleagues across the University to build on an already strong position.”

The intention is for Professor Neill to take up his position with immediate effect, whilst Professor Spearing will assume his new role later in the summer.

The search for a new Vice-President International is progressing well and we hope to make an announcement shortly.

For more information on the new leadership structure and previous announcements here.

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