The University of Southampton

The Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) Survey

What is it?

The Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) is an annual survey sent to all graduates six months after the completion of their course. The survey collects data on what our graduates are doing; whether that is employment, further study, travel or job seeking.

The latest DLHE statistics (2014) show that 94% of Southampton graduates are either employed or embarking on further study, with 61% of those with an undergraduate degree in full-time employment with an average starting salary of £23,000.

Why does it matter?

The results of the survey highlight the diversity and strengths of our students, which is reflected in the wide range of jobs that our graduates find work in. They additionally contribute to the University League tables that are published throughout the year.

Moreover, the information provided by the DLHE allows us to provide life-long tailored careers advice for graduates and helps inform prospective and current students about the career destinations available to them.

And most importantly, it allows us to share the success of our students.

How can I get involved?

If you are graduating this summer, ensure that you leave up to date contact details with the University. This can be done via ‘My student record (Banner Self Service)’ on SUSSED. The DLHE survey for 2016 graduates will take place between November 2016 and March 2017.

The survey itself takes less than 15 minutes to complete. By taking part all eligible participants will have a chance to win one of four £50 Amazon gift vouchers.

Have a look at past DLHE data to see what careers graduates who studied your degree are doing and see how the University of Southampton compares to the rest of the UK.

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