Public Policy|Southampton are co-organising a second EU debate (public event) at The Nuffield Theatre, Room 1077, University Road, Southampton, SO17 1BJ on Friday, 3 June 2016.
The event will be held in British Sign Language, providing an opportunity for the deaf community to express their opinion on the debate surrounding our relationship with Europe, and to submit their questions to the panel.
The panel will include:
Kam Deo as moderator. Kam works as a freelance sign language interpreter and teacher of the deaf, and was born to deaf parents.
Representing ‘Remain’:
Zoe McWhinney, current Secretary of the European Deaf Students Union, and a student at the University of Birmingham, studying International Relations and Politics.
Tom Lichy, CEO of DeafLondon, a not for profit organisation that campaigns for the deaf community on issues such as equality and disability. Tom has over a decade of experience in creating change in legislation around disability issues, and regularly appears in the media on such platforms as CNN, the Guardian, and the BBC’s See Hear programme.
Representing ‘Leave’:
Thomas McWhinney, a current board member for the British Deaf Association for the Youth (BDAY) and former secretary for the European Deaf Students Union.
Michael Hull, a long-time member of the deaf community.
You are strongly encouraged to submit a question to the panel. To do this please complete the ‘Ask a question’ section in the Eventbrite booking form no later than midday on Wednesday, 1 June 2016.
Further information, including how to book a place at the debate, can be found here.