The University of Southampton

Global Challenge Research Fund: call for proposals

The Government Spending Review on 25 November 2015 announced a new £1.5 billion Global Challenges Fund (GCRF).

global challenges fund

Five Research Councils are collectively allocating over £40m to GCRF Foundation Awards that focus on:

  • Global Infections – Vision and Strategy, led by the Medical Research Council (MRC)
  • Global Health Science – Beyond Infections (led by MRC)
  • Global Agriculture and Food Systems, led by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

In addition to the quality enhancement processes in your Faculty, the respective Associate Dean for Medicine and Associate Dean for Natural and Environmental Sciences will check applications for quality and Official Development Assistance (ODA) compliance.

Please send your outline proposals to the Research & Innovation Services (RIS) contact identified below by 15 June 2016.


Associate Dean Research: Professor John Holloway, Medicine.

RIS Contact: Linda Hammond Ext: 71-6886

Submission deadline: 22 June 2016


Associate Dean Research: Professor George Attard, Natural and Environmental Sciences

RIS Contact: Jon Williams Ext: 28569

Submission deadline: 22 June 2016

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has awarded the University an institutional allocation for the period 1 June 2016 – 31 March 2017. Outline proposals are now invited from the engineering and physical sciences community for projects under the GCRF. Multidisciplinary projects may be supported as long as the majority of the work proposed is within the EPSRC remit and complies with ODA guidelines.

Please complete this form and submit via email by Friday, 17 June before 12:00.

A panel chaired by the PVC Research and Enterprise and a selection of Associate Deans (Research) will assess the applications and it is anticipated decisions will be made by the end of June.

For enquiries, please contact Mylène Ployaert, Head of Research Funding Development, Research and Innovation Services (Ext: 24680).

Other useful resources can be found here.

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