The University of Southampton

Web Science Institute lunchtime seminar

The Web Science Institute (WSI) will be hosting a lunchtime seminar on Thursday, 23 June from 13:00 – 14:00 at Nuffield Theatre, Building 6, Room 1081, on social media analytics and the EU referendum.

EU referendum seminar.fw

Staff and students can book their ticket here.

Exploring what social media analytics are telling us – and not telling us – Ramine Tinati and Dominic Difranzo from the Social Machines Project (SOCIAM) will be discussing what the polls, in combination with a number of other data sources, are telling us on the day of the EU referendum.

Sarah Birchall, a Web Technology MSc student whose summer dissertation project aims to predict the result of the EU referendum by using social media, will also feature in the seminar.

By collecting tweets and online comments related to the EU referendum, Sarah will perform sentiment analysis to determine the outcome of the referendum and will subsequently create a web dashboard with data visualisations of the results.

Lunch will be provided for attendees.

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