Today (Monday 11 July), the University commences a two and a half year project on Highfield Campus, to realise its plans for a new teaching and learning centre.

The centre will be located on the combined site of Building 58a and the current Visitors’ Car Park. Construction work will be completed in winter 2018, and the new centre is scheduled to open early in 2019. In addition to a range of teaching spaces and a 250 seat lecture theatre the building will also feature independent study areas and a catering outlet.
How will car parking be affected by the works?
Long term there will be no net loss of car parking as a result of these works. As part of the preparatory works package, commencing today, car parking will be reconfigured in parts of the Salisbury Road area. For details please refer to the recent SUSSED notification.
What impact will the building work have on campus users?
The new teaching and learning centre is a major development on Highfield Campus and, as such, some disruption is unavoidable. Monitoring and controls will be implemented to mitigate this disruption, and Estates and Facilities are working closely with Heads of Faculty Operations to make sure buildings can continue operating as usual throughout the project.
Every effort has been made to maintain pedestrian, cycle and road access throughout the site during the project. Some works may require short-term footpath or cycle store access diversions and these will be marked with signage and communicated to all staff and students in advance via SUSSED.
How can I keep up to date with the project?
Latest news, resources including maps, downloads and regular updates throughout the development can be found here.
Staff and students will be kept up to date via SUSSED and, where appropriate, through additional channels.
If you have a query about the project please contact Gemma Court, Communications Officer for Estates, or phone the Programme Management Unit on 0800 783 4597