Despite terrible weather forcing Farnborough International Airshow to shut down the first day of the event (Monday 11 July), Southampton’s Spotter unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) successfully took part in that day’s flying display.

Sharing the runway with an A380, A350 and an A400M, Spotter will display every day of the Airshow (11 – 17 July) at around 13:00.
Footage of Spotter’s day 1 display can be watched below.
The ‘Spotter’ unmanned aerial vehicle was developed by the University as part of the 2SEAS-3i European Interreg project. Spotter is a twin engine, 4m wing span, fixed-wing aircraft which has been designed to perform long-endurance, all-weather patrol missions in coastal and maritime environments.
For more information on this year’s Farnborough International Airshow, click here.
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