The University of Southampton

Route closure between Buildings 58 and 54: 23 September

As part of the University’s Gower South development, on Monday 26 September works will commence to excavate landscaping between Buildings 58 and 2.

This work involves the use of a small digger, and a tipper to remove earth from the site. These construction vehicles will access the excavation site via the car park to the rear of Building 58 and the adjoining access road between Buildings 58 and 54.

To ensure the safe movement of construction traffic in the excavation area, this access road has been closed to pedestrians. Pedestrians are advised to use the footway between Building 54 and the Turner Sims, as detailed in this plan:

Click image for larger version.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this closure. Please use footpaths to the edge of the car park, and be alert to construction vehicle movements in this area.

Should you have any queries please direct these to Gemma Court, Communications Officer for Estates, or call the Programme Management Unit on 0800 783 4597.

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