The University of Southampton

Staff wellbeing events 2016

To help support staff wellbeing, Health and Safety will be holding a number of events on Wednesday 2 November to address issues relating to wellness in the workplace.


The programme for the day includes:

A presentation by Dr Nick Maguire, Deputy Head of Psychology (Education)

Room 3001, Building 34, Highfield Campus

  • 13:30 – 14:30 ‘The psychology of stress and anxiety: sabre-toothed tigers and self-criticism’ (relevant for all staff). Click here to book your place.
  • 15:00 – 16:00 ‘How can understanding the psychology of stress help with the management of staff’ (relevant for Line Managers). Click here to book your place.

For the benefit of staff working outside of Highfield Campus, both of the lectures given by Dr Nick Maguire will be available to stream after the event.

A presentation by Jo Harvey, Sport and Wellbeing supervisor

Room 2211, Building 85, Highfield Campus

A presentation by Enabling Services

Senate Room (4049), Building 37, Highfield Campus

The talks presented by Jo Harvey and Enabling Services are suitable for all staff and have been repeated for your convenience. Please book a ticket for the time slot which most suits you.

In addition to the day’s talks, colleagues from the Reward team will be promoting the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) in the foyer of the Staff club from 12:00 – 14:00 on 2 November. UCU, Unison and Unite will also be present, promoting the support they offer.

You can access a toolkit on Stress Awareness and Stress Management, together with other useful resources, on Health and Safety’s intranet.

There will also be a separate workshop for students taking place on 2 November.


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