The University of Southampton

Video: Communicating the outline 10-Year Plan

The outline 10-Year Plan was presented to the Strategy Colloquium last week. Many of the attendees have asked that the full video of the presentation be released before Sir Christopher Snowden’s Campus Tour in November, to help with the onward communication.

Professor Sir Christopher Snowden addresses the Strategy Colloquium
Professor Sir Christopher Snowden addresses the Strategy Colloquium.

In the video Sir Christopher Snowden introduces the drivers behind the need to change and how the outline 10-Year Plan relates to the four principles of our ‘Simply Better’ strategy. He emphasises that the changes we need to make are relatively incremental and achievable, however we need to improve our surplus in order to realise our strategy and our ambition of being a Top 10/Top 100 University.

Talking about the investment other international and UK universities are making, Sir Christopher explains that we need to invest in our Estate for the benefit of both staff and students, our IT systems and our underlying processes. He says “We cannot stand still in the light of this competition.”

Professor William Powrie, Executive Lead on the 10-Year Plan and Dean of FEE explains the outline 10-Year Plan
Professor William Powrie, Executive Lead on the 10-Year Plan and Dean of FEE explains the outline 10-Year Plan.

Professor William Powrie, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment and Executive Lead for the project, explains that having extensively analysed significant amounts of data, the project team have identified 12 ‘levers’ that underpin the entire project. An updated ‘levers’ diagram is shown below, if differs from the one shown in the video in that it shows which levers relate to the ‘internationalisation’ principle.

Click for larger image
Click for larger image

This evidence led, data-based framework enables the University to model a variety of scenarios and Professor Powrie explains the tensions between the levers and how the University is still working to balance these in order to finalise the overall Plan and corresponding Business Case.

The video lasts for 45 minutes, you will be redirected to Blackboard and asked to log-in using your University credentials.

Please note: all the information contained in this video is confidential and should not be shared outside of University staff.

A full ‘comms pack’ will be made available to line managers after the Vice-Chancellor’s Campus Tour on the 17 November 2016. Details of the project ‘open space’ will be announced shortly, providing an environment for all staff to look at the data, understand the thinking behind the outline Plan and have the opportunity to meet some of the senior team to ask questions at regular ‘drop in’ sessions.

Should you have any questions please use the [email protected] address.


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