The University of Southampton

Minimising our environmental impact – a progress update

A recent report on carbon emissions in English universities has shown that our carbon intensity at Southampton (emissions per £ of income) has almost halved since 2005.

High Carbon World

This is the third annual report on the carbon performance of HEFCE funded universities, and the full findings can be found here.

While the University has grown considerably over the last decade, we have been able to stabilise and limit our impact on the environment thanks to some major investments, numerous smaller improvements and the every day actions of our students and staff.

Kevin Monaghan, Director of Estates and Facilities, said:

“The University was an early adopter of low carbon technologies. Our Combined Heat and Power plant, which saves more than £0.5m and 5,000 tonnes of carbon each year, came online in 2005. By this time we had already made upgrades to our lighting and had one of the most extensive and integrated Building Management Systems in the country, covering the vast majority of our estate.

“Our Automatic Metering System was established in 1997, well before most organisations had even heard of automatic metering, and this now includes over 800 meters collecting half hourly electricity, gas and water data right across the estate.

“We are not complacent, and we will continue to ensure that our new facilities, including the South Gower building, have the lowest possible environmental impact. The South Gower building has been designed to minimise solar gain whilst maximising the amount of natural daylight coming into the space, it will be well insulated and will connect with the University’s Combined Heat and Power network for its heating.”

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