The University of Southampton

Essay writing competition

All students are invited to enter this year’s Times Law Awards essay writing competition for the chance to win cash prizes worth up to £10,500.

This year’s essay title is ‘Brexit: Should Parliament be able to overrule the EU referendum?’



Answer in 1000 words before Friday 25 November. Essays should be submitted by e-mail to [email protected]

Or by post to –

The Times Law Awards Essay Competition
c/o One Essex Court
London EC4Y 9AR

Competition rules:

  • The competition is open to all students in any discipline registered with a UK educational institution, together with all pupils and trainees with firms of solicitors or barristers’ chambers established in the UK except employees of One Essex Court, Times Newspapers and News International and members of their families.
  • Word limit: 1000 words
  • The Times and One Essex Court, the organisers, have the right to publish or reproduce at any time all or part of any essay entered for the awards.
  • The essay must be the sole creation and original work of the entrant.
  • The organisers reserve the right to delete or omit from any published article anything that in their absolute discretion should not be published on editorial or legal grounds. Only one entry per person will be allowed.
  • All entries will be acknowledged but not returned.
  • The organisers accept no responsibility for the safekeeping of articles and entrants
  • Essays should be submitted by e-mail to: [email protected] or by post to: The Times Law Awards Essay Competition, c/o One Essex Court, Temple, London EC4Y 9AR

Find out more on One Essex Court website


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