The University of Southampton

Reminder: Great Expectations for Centre for Cancer Immunology

The Department of English in the Faculty of Humanities needs additional volunteer readers for the international, 24 hour sponsored read-a-thon of Charles Dickens’s novel Great Expectations, in aid of the University’s campaign for the Centre for Cancer Immunology.

The event, which will take place over the weekend of 14 – 15 January 2017, will be launched with a reading by Dickens’s great-great grand-daughter, Kate Dickens, and aims to raise at least £2000.

Image by kind permission of Benjamin Mounsey
Pip encounters Abel Magwitch in the cemetery. Image included by kind permission of Benjamin Mounsey.

Volunteers are being sought from across the University and beyond: staff and students, families and friends are all welcome. The only requirement is that you are willing to contribute by reading aloud a chapter or small section of the novel, in any language including English.

The event is being organised by Dickens scholar Professor Mary Hammond, who commented:

A Dickens charity read-a-thon makes perfect sense. We are a global University, and Dickens was an international phenomenon; Great Expectations itself has been translated into almost 50 languages that we know of, from Arabic to Yiddish.

Dickens also devoted a lot of his life to charitable causes; if he was alive today he would no doubt be the first to step forward to read a chapter of his own novel aloud, and would probably stay for the whole weekend to cheer the rest of us on.

If you are willing to read a chapter or section of the novel aloud in any language at this event, or you would like further information, please contact Professor Hammond by email: [email protected]

You can also sponsor the campaign through the event’s Just Giving page.



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