The University of Southampton

Graduates join Team Atlantic Endeavour in search of records

A pair of Southampton graduates have set a course to attempt to break two trans-Atlantic rowing records over the coming weeks.

(Left to right) Sarah Hornby, Charlotte Best, Kate Hallam and Becky Charlton.

Alumna Charlotte Best and Sarah Hornby have joined teammates Kate Hallam and Becky Charlton to form Team Atlantic Endeavour, an all-female crew participating in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.

Team Atlantic Endeavour joined 11 other crews to start the Challenge on 15 December, setting off from La Gomera in the Canary Islands for the finish line in Angitua. They hope to cover the 3,000 miles in less than 51 days, the current record for an all-female crew of four.

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As they row, the Team is also supporting the mental health charity Mind and Women for Women International, which helps women around the world facing violence, marginalisation and poverty as a result of war and conflict.

Sarah graduated from Southampton in 2008 with a BA (Hons) in English, English Literature and Creative Writing. Inspired by others who have undertaken this challenge, Sarah said:

It’s time for a girls’ 4 to take it on and break the record. Having previously been a full time offshore sailor, with over 30,000 nautical miles under my belt, I am familiar with the trials and tribulations associated with life at sea, and am keen to tackle something new.

Charlotte completed an MSc in Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography in Southampton in 2008 before achieving her PhD at the University in 2012. She commented:

As a former competitive rower and avid lover of the sea, the idea of rowing across the Atlantic is enthralling and exciting, yet terrifying at the same time.

Most of my time at sea has been spent in a large, ocean-going oceanographic research vessel – a little different to a tiny 4-(wo)man ocean rowing boat!

You can track the progress of Team Atlantic Endeavour by clicking here.

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