The University of Southampton

University Library – You Said, We Did

Whatever your course, the library plays a key part in your university life, especially in the run up to exams or assessment deadlines.

Students’ feedback helps to shape university services and, in turn, improves the student experience.

Throughout the year, students have fed back on a number of aspects that they would like to see improved within the University library. Below you will find some examples of how the library has implemented this feedback:

  • You said: You wanted more space to study in the library across the exam period.
  • We did: Four extra rooms will be opened up during the exam period. These rooms are for quiet study and will have workstations, WiFi and study desks available. Click here to find out more.
  • You said: You wanted more power supplied to new Level 3 desktops in the Hartley Library.
  • We did: In the refurbished area at the front of Level 3, all new study desktops have power enabled – supply is either via a standard 3-pin plug or a choice of 3-pin and USB charge points.

  • You said: You wanted an improved study environment in the Level 3 entrance area.
  • We did: The Level 3 area was refurbished for the beginning of Semester 1 2016-17, and students now benefit from more study spaces. The area has been provided with 78 additional individual study spaces as well as other areas for group study, provided with wall-mounted screens.

  • You said: You wanted online access to
  • We did: In response to a long-expressed need from the Southampton Business School, online access has been jointly funded by the Library and the Business School. This extensive international news service is now available to all of the University’s staff and students.

  • You said: You wanted more student support.
  • We did: The University Education enhancement theme for 2016-17 is ‘student support’. In response to student requests for specific academic skills support, access to resources both in print and online have been provided across all library sites through the academic skills collections. The print book collections are classified and shelved in very accessible locations at all sites, with reference as well as loanable copies on hand to ensure that these items are available at any time, so long as the respective library is open.

  • You said: You wanted better WiFi signal
  • We did: In light of the key role that the Hartley Library has in the experience of students on campus at Highfield, the library was earmarked as the institutional exemplar for Wifi Upgrade Phase 1. The upgrade project began in mid-August 2016 and was completed in October 2016.
    The end result has provided a significantly enhanced WiFi service for all Hartley users.

Students are welcome to get in touch with any feedback regarding their course and University services. Find out how to give feedback by following the links below:

Students are welcome to share their feedback at the next Student Forum taking place in February 2017. An announcement will be made on SUSSED in the near future, so watch this space!

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