The University of Southampton

The National Student Survey (NSS) has launched

The NSS launches today (6 February) at the University and staff are asked to remind students to participate in this important survey.

The NSS is for final year undergraduates across the UK and is a unique opportunity for them share their views on aspects of their student experience.

Eligible students will be emailed a personalised link to the survey this week. Alternatively, students can go online to complete the NSS at The survey closes on 30 April.

The results are factored into our planning processes and the survey has a big impact on the future of the University.

Professor Sir Christopher Snowden says there is good evidence that our staff play an important role in encouraging students to fill the survey in:

Around 40% of last year’s online respondents said they were told about the survey by a lecturer or member of staff. With that in mind, please can you now take every opportunity to remind our finalists to participate in the survey and stress to them the legacy they will leave future Southampton students.

Staff can also inform students that for every completed response (up to a maximum of 10,000) to a qualifying student feedback survey, the University of Southampton will make a £1 donation (up to a maximum value of £10,000) to the Student Support Fund.

The following count as qualifying student feedback surveys: National Student Survey (NSS), Southampton Student Survey (SSS), Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) and Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES).

You can find general information about the NSS here.

If you are a tutor, you may find the following documents helpful:

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