The University of Southampton

University awarded half a million pounds to help maximise student success

The University has been awarded over half a million pounds to help improve assessment and feedback for students as part of a Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) programme aimed at addressing differences in student outcomes.

The Southampton Education School has secured two awards as part of 17 projects countrywide, involving 64 higher education providers, who have received up to £500,000 each from HEFCE’s Catalyst Fund over two years.  The projects are aimed at addressing gaps in higher education outcomes between different student groups.

Southampton has been given a grant of £499,999 to further develop its Researching Assessment Practices (RAP) project, led by Professor Carol Evans, which enhances assessment and feedback practice at Southampton. A further £50,000 has been given to another University-wide project led by Professor Evans, working with RAP colleagues and students across the University, aimed at helping students to self-monitor and self-evaluate their work.

Professor Evans commented:

These grants mean we can continue to build on the valuable work we have already been conducting to help support students’ development, progression and attainment – engaging students in the design, delivery and evaluation of assessment feedback.

Securing this money is a testimony to the quality of our work and the strength of our collective efforts.  We now hope to lead the way nationally / internationally in developing and further scaling up our model for other higher education institutions.

 The full story is available to read here.

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