The University of Southampton

New engagement network to promote race equality and cultural diversity

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) members of the University are launching a new engagement network to raise awareness of and promote race equality and cultural diversity at the University.

All staff – academics and professional services – and postgraduate research students are welcome to attend the first meeting on Wednesday 10 May, taking place from 12:00-13:00 in Room 4003, Building 4, Highfield Campus.

Dr Pathik Pathak, Network Chair said:

Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff make a valuable contribution to the University, but collectively we often go under the radar. The network seeks to address our visibility, to promote race equality, and to create an institutional culture that recognises and attracts BAME staff.

Click here to register for the launch event.

The Network aims to:

  • Raise awareness of race and cultural diversity at the University
  • Develop practical solutions to address issues of racial and cultural underrepresentation
  • Represent the views of BAME staff and act as a body of expertise on ethnic-minority issues and race discrimination
  • Work with University leaders to promote an inclusive culture for BAME individuals at the University
  • Provide opportunities for social and professional networking and targeted career development for group members
  • Provide a safe space for BAME staff and postgraduate research students

The Network is a collegiate way of supporting the inclusive delivery of the University’s strategy for BAME staff and postgraduate research students. The Network will work with University leaders, the Equality Diversity & Inclusion Team (ED&I) and others to influence the outcome of projects and objectives that could impact equality for BAME individuals going forward.

Professor Bashir Al-Hashimi, Dean of Physical Science and Engineering said:

Whilst there is general awareness of the need for racial diversity to enrich the UK HE sector, there is still much to do to realise this national aim in reality. Therefore, the establishment of a BAME network here at Southampton provides a tangible and positive opportunity to represent the diversity of our own BAME staff as the foundation for a more inclusive culture going forwards.

If you are interested in joining the BAME Staff Network Committee, please contact Network Chair Dr Pathik Pathak: [email protected]

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