The University of Southampton

Seeking Waste Solutions in the Maldives

Over the Easter break, three of the University’s Engineering and Environment researchers spent time in the Maldives analysing waste at an open dump.

Dr Richard Beaven and Dr Anne Stringfellow, experts in waste, and coastal engineer Dr Sally Brown were invited by the Maldivian Ministry of Environment and Energy to examine possible ways to manage or clean up an open dump site, and determine the risk of coastal erosion to the site.

The dump is located in Addu City, the country’s second largest population centre. It accepts household waste, garden and commercial waste from the surrounding two atolls, including tourist islands. The dump is unsightly and smells, and potentially contains a toxic mix of chemicals.

Anne and Richard analysed gas emissions and leachate (water which has filtered through the waste material and become polluted) to obtain preliminary measurements about how hazardous the waste is, and the challenges of waste remediation.

Dr Richard Beaven commented:

The groundwater under the dumpsite is already heavily affected by seawater intrusion, and the biggest environmental problems we found relate to the open burning of waste at the site, and wind-blown litter entering the sea.

Dr Sally Brown added:

The Maldivian government know they have a serious problem with waste, and a shortage of land and technology to deal it. They are keen to find a positive solution to reduce waste, recycle and clean up the coastline where rubbish is dumped.

The Maldivian government is currently commissioning a waste-to-energy plant which could result in a win-win scenario, where some energy is produced at the same time as the dump site is reclaimed.

The group are writing up their findings for the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) who funded their visit, and for the Maldivian government.

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