The University of Southampton

Register before 22 May to be able to vote in the UK General Election

In April, the UK Parliament voted to hold a General Election on 8 June 2017.

You must register by 22 May to be able to vote.

Who can register?

All UK citizens over 18 years old should register. Anyone over 18 from a Commonwealth country or the Republic of Ireland can also register and vote.

How do I register?

You can register online here. It takes less than five minutes to complete the process, you will need your name, address and National Insurance number.

What else do I need to know?

You can also register to vote by post and have your ballot paper sent to a different address if you will be away from home on 22 May. You will need to fill in this form.

You can even vote by proxy by nominating a trusted friend or family member to go to the polls for you. Information on voting by proxy and the form you will need can be seen here.

I have friends or colleagues who are abroad at the moment, what can they do?

Those who will be abroad on 22 May can also register to vote here.

They will need their passport with them to complete the process.

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