The University of Southampton

Vice-Presidents announce Education, Research and International strategies

Today the Vice-Presidents – Professor Alex Neill (Education), Professor Mark Spearing (Research and Enterprise) and Professor Colin Grant (International) – unveil the new Education, Research and International strategies.

Each strategy has been formally approved by the University Executive Board (UEB) and Council to support the delivery of our ‘Simply better’ strategy.

The following three videos show Professors Neill, Spearing and Grant outlining their strategies and detailing the next steps.

When you click the play button, you will need to log in via Blackboard with your University credentials. Each video has subtitles.

The three strategies have been summarised to form a ‘strategy on a page’ and these can be downloaded here.

Our Education strategy:

We will improve quality at all stages of the student journey. This will be reflected in the calibre of our intake, the experience of students and in their outcomes. It will result in improved league table rankings that enhance our attractiveness to the best students from across the world.

In parallel we will work to ensure that our educational activity is productive and sustainable, placing emphasis on the support and development of our staff.

Professor Alex Neill, Vice-President (Education) answers five questions on the Education strategy.







The Education strategy on a page can be downloaded here.

Our Research strategy:

To enhance our ability to change the world we will ensure our research is of the highest quality, that it underpins our education activities and that we generate the level of funding that maximises the volume of research that we can sustainably undertake.

Professor Mark Spearing, Vice-President (Research) answers five questions on the Research strategy.








The Research strategy on a page can be downloaded here.

Our International strategy:

To compete with the very best we will embed an international dimension in all aspects of our strategy. Internationalisation will permeate our academic endeavours, our community and our operations. It will enhance the quality and impact of our education and research. It will ensure our financial sustainability by providing increased access to research funding and markets for high quality students. And it will provide for a rich experience for our people, supporting collegiality.

Professor Colin Grant, Vice-President (International) answers five questions on the International strategy.







The International strategy on a page can be downloaded here.

The Vice-Presidents are happy to receive invitations from both Faculties and Professional Services groups to personally present their strategies and answer questions. Please approach their respective Executive Assistant to make arrangements.

As a reminder, on 2 June at 12:30, Sir Christopher Snowden will be holding his next All-Staff address to provide an update on progress with our strategy and insights into how we need to work together to become ‘Simply better’. Click here to book your place.

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