The University of Southampton

Crowdfunding expert Chris Buckingham to share experiences

With over a decade of experience within the industry, Chris Buckingham will share the low-down on crowdfunding at Future Worlds next Mentor Masterclass event.

This insightful talk will take place on 18 May from 12:3014:00 in the Murray Lecture Theatre, Building 58, Room 1067 on Highfield Campus. Hear about Chris’ experiences in crowdfunding and learn what every crowdfunder needs to know before they go live and ask for funding.

The Mentor Masterclass series allows students and staff exclusive access to learn from entrepreneurs and industry experts. It is also an opportunity to see pitches and product demos from startups and spinouts within the Future Worlds network.

This is a free event where lunch and refreshments will be provided. This event is open to all students and staff.

Please click here to reserve your place.


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