The University of Southampton

Five techniques for staying calm during exams

With exams coming up, it can be helpful to have a few tricks up your sleeve to be able to calm your nerves and focus your attention, helping you perform to the best of your abilities.

The next time you begin to feel stressed, anxious or uncomfortable, why not try the following simple calming techniques?

  • Look for five things you can see around you. It might be a bird, books, or a spot on the ceiling. However big or small, state five things you can see.
  • Acknowledge four things you can touch around you. Maybe this is your hair, a piece of jewellery, the ground, grass, a pillow, etc. Whatever it may be, list out the four things you can feel.
  • Listen to three sounds coming from your surroundings. These need to be external, so try not to focus on your thoughts; maybe you can hear a clock, music, people talking, or maybe even hear your stomach rumbling before lunch. Pick three sounds and list them.
  • Take in the smells around you. This one might be harder, depending on your location. It could be the scent of hand soap or lotion, grass or flowers.
  • Consider one thing you can taste. What does the inside of your mouth taste like? Gum, coffee or your sandwich from lunch? Focus on your mouth as the last step of this process.

At the end of this exercise you should feel calmer, more focused and ready to return to the task at hand.

To learn more about stress, anxiety and coping techniques, Enabling Services are running a number of workshops this May. Find out more and book your place using the links below:

For more information regarding the workshops, please call Enabling Services on Tel. +44(0)23 8059 7726 or email: [email protected].

You can find more information on semester 2 exams in this earlier SUSSED article.

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