The University of Southampton

Travel survey now open for staff and postgraduate students

All university staff and postgraduate students are invited to complete this year’s Staff Travel Survey. The results will help inform the University’s Travel Plan and will allow us to see whether travel habits have changed since the last survey in 2015.

Complete the survey online and enter a prize draw, where you could win:

  • First prize: One of five £50 West Quay vouchers
  • Second prize: One of five 30 day bus passes, for use on Uni-link and Bluestar bus services within Southampton
  • Third Prize: One of 50 sport water bottles.

The survey closes at midnight on 7 July 2017.

The University aims to reduce the overall environmental impact of staff and students travelling to and from university sites, business related travel and of travel by visitors and suppliers, by supporting the use of sustainable modes. For example, last year there were over five million journeys on Uni-link busses and our Bike Doctor Service repaired over 1,000 staff and student bikes.

This survey is voluntary and your responses will be a great help to us. The survey is being conducted by the Transport Team in Estates and Facilities, as part of the University Travel Plan, which seeks to provide good, sustainable transport links between university Campuses.

Results of the survey will be reported in the University Travel Plan, which is published online at

Through our actions we can all make a difference. Good luck!

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